Category: Reads

What You Don’t Know About Bay Area

The Bay Area has remained an important musical center since the rise of the counterculture movement in the 1960s. With the advent of pop music and more commonplace musical experimentation, San Francisco and its neighboring areas have produced some of the most important musical groups in the last few decades. From music industry leaders to…

The Ruling Music Genre of All Times

Music genres used to be so easy before. There was hard rock and pop and some other genres. But music and artists keep transitioning and keep pushing boundaries and new genres keep coming. When you’re talking about the Greatest of All Time in music, the personalities that tend to come up are — The Beatles,…

Does Social Media Affect Our Lives?

In the last few decades, the influence of social media has sky-rocketed from being entertainment to a fully integrated part of everyone’s life. Social media benefits us by expanding our social networks and keeping in touch with far-away friends and family. It is also a creative outlet. Growing up with digital technology may be changing…

Entertainment Public Relations Nowadays

In this century, great lyrics and melody aren’t enough to get your career started in the entertainment section. In the entertainment sector, it’s all about visibility and being heard. And most actors, artists, and models hire PR agencies in the entertainment sector to accomplish these feats and to maintain an excellent public image. There are…

Benefits of Using a PR Agency

Many of us know about Public Relation Agency, but are often skeptical and don’t actually know their value. As the name implies, it is believed to be a strategic communication tool, but I assure you it has more to it.  In other to gain traction in the market, business organizations needs a favorable image around…